Search Results
BF4: World Record Headshot (As of 11-8-14)
Battlefield 4 Longest Headshot New Record : 3361.2m
BF4: 3000m Legit Headshot!
Battlefield 4 World Record Headshot
Battlefield 4 world record longest headshot 3361m (PC)
Bf4 World Record (Longest headshot on Heli pilot)!
Battlefield 4 - 1730m SV-98 Headshot (SV-98 World Record?)
BF4: 2200M Headshot
Battlefield 4 WORLD RECORD FAST CHOPPER KILL,,,,perhaps
Battlefield 4: Going for Worlds Longest Headshot - 2,837M / 3,321M
Battlefield 4 | Longest GOL Magnum Headshot - 2.905 Meters
Battlefield 4 longest headshot 3353.73M with JNG-90